When transitioning councils to a new term

  1. Create a new term page in .

    Click the blue “New” button, and follow the instructions on the page that is created.

  2. Communicate with on-stream cohorts to get contact info (Discord and Notion email) of newly elected reps.

    1. Add any new members to Discord and give them (or ask an admin for) the SE Soc role so they can view the discussion channels.
    2. Give new members Notion edit access to the SE Society Docs page.
    3. Ensure any new members of SE Soc create a new page for themselves in .
  3. Update with the newly elected reps, and move off-stream execs to the appropriate roles.

  4. Send all new members to read the General Council Onboarding page.

  5. Check that the public homepage SE Society Docs is up to date for the term.

  6. Remove any non-council members as editors of SE Soc Docs.

When transitioning exec teams

  1. Securely transfer the credentials to [email protected] to the new President and VP Communications.
  2. Add the new President as an editor with Full access to the SE Society Docs page.
  3. Send new execs to read the Executive Onboarding page.
  4. Invite the new President and VP Communications as authorized constitution updaters to the constitution on GitHub. https://github.com/orgs/SESoc/teams/authorized-constitution-updaters

General Notion cleanup

  1. Make sure to delete any Untitled or empty pages!

<aside> ⛔ You shouldn’t need to make new Notion databases! (That is, a calendar, list, or table (not simple table) etc.) “Views” of the existing databases, with filters applied, should be sufficient for most if not all uses.

You can insert a view by typing /view.


<aside> ⚠️ You should only be making a new database if the needs of SE Soc have outgrown this wiki structure, and a new type of document is absolutely needed.
