VP Communications is responsible for:
email communications from SE Soc to the rest of the program
monitoring the SE Soc email and responding to emails at least once per week while they are on campus
promotion and communication of events to the whole program (via email, Discord, Discord events, and any other media SE Soc chooses to use)
VP Comms should ensure that the announcements listed in How to run an event (direct link to section) are sent out for every event.
communicating SE updates (new councils, planned events) to SEs
recruiting photographers for events
soliciting feedback from members of the Society and using their feedback to inform actions and events run by the council
transferring credentials to the SE Soc email to new VP Comms and presidents (i.e. password and 2FA setup)
VP Communications should be an expert on the following, and support with this knowledge as needed:
If anything is unclear or you have knowledge gaps, ask your President and/or previous people who have held your position!