Here are the steps you should follow to run a successful SE Soc event! You should make an event page in Events and document anything you did and learned, so others in the future know how to run similar events.


These are the most important aspects of running events, according to SE Soc!

Events should be:

  1. fun and enriching (lets SE students destress, socialize, or learn something new)
  2. thoughtfully planned (food and venue are secured well in advance, the vibes of the event are good),
  3. and well-communicated (emails and announcements are sent well in advance, and people know what to expect and when to show up)!

<aside> 💡 Check out Events to see events that we’ve run in the past and what we’ve learned!


Event requirements

1. Make a budget

Document what you plan on spending in an entry for your event in . Make sure it’s accounted for within our budget for the term.

If you plan to purchase things externally (online or at a store), make sure you read and understand How to get reimbursements.

2. Select a date

We often use Discord polls to ask cohorts when a good time and date for an event is. Good dates for large social events are usually right after (or sometimes before) midterms and finals, and a good date for a resume critique is usually before Round 1 application deadlines close.

3. Book a venue

See How to book a room.

Note: Once a term, SE Soc can book an athletics facility for free. This has been used in the past to run the SE v BME 28 dodgeball event.

4. Get approval from the SE office