To get reimbursed for purchases that aren’t paid directly from the SE account (expenses you paid for yourself), you need to submit an expense claim form. Only the person who incurred the cost can submit a claim.
Reimbursement Form:
Expense Claim Form 2022.xlsx
Example Completed Form for Reference:
sample form filled.pdf
In short:
- You should have an original itemized receipt, and method of payment receipt (shows what you bought and how — credit, debit, etc.)
- Get the reimbursement form from SE Office
- Make a copy of this checklist for your personal use
- Fill out this checklist while filling out the reimbursement form
- Include all original receipts and documentation in the same PDF as the reimbursement form (which also needs to be converted to PDF)
- Email both items (form and checklist) to SE Office, and CC the VP Finance
Expense Claim Form Checklist
Claimant Section
- [ ] Payee: select claimant type (student)
- [ ] Claimant name: First name and surname
- [ ] Student number
- [ ] Department: Software Engineering