If you want to use SE Soc money on prizes (gifts), there are a number of restrictions to be aware of and rules to follow. Generally speaking, giving gift cards is an annoying process and should be avoided if you can. Please seek approval before purchasing any gifts, as the reason must “support the mission and values of the University”.

This page is based off of Gifts and Gift Cards/Certificates Procedure

Non-Cash Gifts

If you’d like to gift something that isn’t cash or near cash (like a gift card), you can do so without additional paperwork. They must be modest or nominal in value (<$50).

University of Waterloo store gift cards also count as “non-cash”, as they can only be used to buy branded merchandise.

Gift Cards (Raffle)

Gift cards are allowed to be given without additional paperwork if and only if they are given as a prize for a draw provided all participants have equal opportunity to win.

The official procedure page for this is still under construction, so please ask UW staff about the rules (and update this page when you do!).

Near-Cash/Cash Gifts (Non-Raffle)

Near-cash (gift cards) or cash gifts can be taxable and require the gift reporting form to be filled out, which notably requires the gift receiver’s SIN. As far as I’m aware, we’ve never actually gone through this process because it’s annoying (and people might not want to give out their SIN for a $5 gift card)